WE ARE VOLUNTEERS ! admin@brlsc.org.au

Expectations and Inclusions of a Blue Cap Member

A Community Membership is a new membership category for Surf Life Saving that allows people to join their local Surf Life Saving Club, without the initial intention or need to participate directly in lifesaving activities.



Membership Fees


to be paid annually following the Club Annual General Meeting (AGM)



Working With Children Check (WWCC)

Members aged 18 years and over must register a WWCC with the Club and Life Saving Victoria (LSV)


 Change Facilities

Hot showers and secure Female, Male & all abilities
Access: Monday-Friday 6am-3pm,
Sat-Sun 6am-10am
a swimmers wristband will be issued when membership is complete


Member Benefits

Discount on event space hire

Members only bar prices

Club Social & Fundraising Events



Club Swim Cap &

Door Entry Wristband

provided with all NEW memberships


For help or further information contact membership@brlsc.org.au

Give it a Go, Become a Lifesaver today! 


I, the member (or parent/legal guardian of minor), have read and understand the Constitution and By-laws of the Black Rock Life Saving Club Inc and agree to abide by all Club Rules.

In respect to any family applicant under the age of 18 years, I give permission for my child (children) to attend training, competitions and any other functions organised by Black Rock Life Saving Club Inc. I authorise the person in charge of a club event, where it is impractical for them to communicate with me (parent/legal guardian), to consent to my child receiving such urgent medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary by a medical practitioner / administer such first aid as the person in charge may judge to be reasonably necessary.
I give permission for Black Rock Life Saving Club to capture my image during club activities and for the use of those images and my name for club related activies and/or communication material.  Where the member is under 18 years I, as the member’s parent/legal guardian, consent on behalf of the junior applicant.


Black Rock Life Saving Club has a proven track record of success in teaching and training LIFESAVERS.